Title Doctors



Operated by Creative Director and "She-E-O" Jamil Houston, Semantix is a branding boutique that builds meaningful client and customer relationships through brand clarity and distinction. Since 2001, my partners and I have delivered effective strategy-based copy and concepts that turn your employees into brand evangelists, your business into a brand leader, and Semantix into your valued creative partner.


Jamil Houston, M.S.
Creating, Motivating, Branding

As founder of Semantix, I've spent my career in the trenches of demanding brand initiatives. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications, with an emphasis in Journalism, and a Master of Science in Administration both from Pepperdine University of California. Just before starting Semantix, I was the VP of Operations at Red Ant Media and the Multimedia Director at One World Networks. Though these positions required vast knowledge of marketing, e-commerce, project management and branding, I gained the majority of my experience at Evenson Design Group (EDG) as the Director of Accounts and Marketing. It was at this small, high-end firm that I  managed all the aspects of marketing, advertising and sales, and served as the primary liaison between clients and the design staff, and did all the copywriting, naming and ads---yes I did it ALL. Daily, I translated design objectives and developed concepts which turned into providing creative direction, copywriting, and significant strategic and conceptual input for a wide range of projects and clients. I was in heaven.

After all that marketing and advertising, I decided to form a company that would make strategic insight a prerequisite to the under-rated art of copywriting. Today, Semantix is a culmination of all my multidisciplinary capabilities offering clients the peace of mind that results from years of reliable ingenuity and intelligent strategies.